The upgrade and renewal of the public realm on the DCU Glasnevin Campus was the final phase of the suite of projects MOLA Architecture completed as part of phase 1 of the DCU Capital Development Program (2015-2021). The public realm works were undertaken in collaboration with Brady Shipman Martin Landscape Architects. The works comprise a comprehensive re-working of both the hard and soft landscaping of the existing central landscaped mall and the surrounding quadrangles of the campus’s various functional areas and required in excess of 9,000sqm of paving and provide the most visible element of phase 1 of the capital works program.

The Public Realm works required the re-organisation of the campus desire lines and flows. The east west axis of the existing landscape mall had changed with the increased campus numbers and the systematic infilling of the campus sites. The Public realm works respond to these changes, by opening up the perimeter planting of the existing landscape mall with the creation of a number of diagonal routes across the central mall. The completed works, creating a new public forum for the student and staff body of the university.


Client: Dublin City University
Location: DCU Glasnevin Campus, Dublin 9
Area/Size: 9,000sqm
Date: 2017-2019
Status: Complete
Value: €2.4 Million



Integrated Design Team Lead/Architects: MOLA Architecture
Landscape Architects: Brady Shipman Martin
Project Manager: Turner Townsend
Quantity Surveyor: Turner Townsend
C+S Consultant: OCSC
M&E Consultant: OCSC
Fire Consultants: Jeremy Gardner Associates
PSDP:   Malone Group
Main Contractor: McKeown Group